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Welcome to Shipton Bellinger Village Centre

The Shipton Bellinger Village Centre was built in 1985 by Hampshire County Council primarily for the benefit of the residents of the village. It is run as a charity in trust on behalf of Hampshire County Council by a Management Committee made up from members of the village and users of the hall.
The Trust Documents states

The Charity shall be held upon trust for the purposes of a Village Hall and Centre (to be known as "The Shipton Bellinger Village Centre") for the use of the inhabitants of the Parish of Shipton Bellinger in the County of Hampshire without distinction of political religious or other opinions including use for meetings lectures and classes and for other forms of recreation and leisure- time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.

The current Management Committee members are

Andrew Sullivan (Chair)
Mike England (Treasurer)
Brian Kitchener
Natasha Handoll
Robin Luxton
Paul Marsh
Rebecca Miller
Christine Heaton
Lucy Finn
Wendy Sperry

Shipton Bellinger Village Centre

Main Hall, Stage & Kitchen

The floor is a sprung wooden floor suitable for dancing and sport. There is a modern, efficient electric heating system located in the suspended acoustic ceiling. Along with air sweep fans in the ceiling that can be used to for cooling or assisting the heating system. At the back of the main hall are storage areas including the main chair & table store. We have 120 upholstered chairs and both long rectangular tables (seating 6 - 8) and small square tables (seating 4).
Max 120   £8.00-£18.00 per hour
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Village hall booking system