Links and partnerships
If you wish your web site to have a link on this page then please let us know.
Bellinger Bowls Club
Link to website:
We encourage new members to come and give the game a go and we have bowls which they may use for a trial period without the expense of purchasing new bowls when starting. Experience is not required, and the game is soon picked up. The only stipulation we apply is flat soled shoes must be worn at all times. We will be pleased to hear from you.
Shipton Bellinger WI
Link to website:
One of the oldest organisations in the village is the Shipton Bellinger branch of the Women’s Institute; this was first formed in 1933, the meetings were held monthly and hosted a wide range of activities including a Drama Society and a Choral Society.
Shipton Bellinger Parish Council
Link to website:
The Shipton Bellinger Parish Council can have up to 10 Parish Councillors and is administered by the Parish Clerk. The Parish Council meet on the first Wednesday of each Month, except for January and August, in the Village Centre, Fletcher Room at 7.30pm. The Public are welcome to attend and there is an opportunity at each meeting for them to speak and raise any issues of concern. An Annual General Meeting is held in May each year.